emily cline art

gettin' my ya-ya's out

Return Again


“Return again to the home of your soul. Return again to who you are, to what you are.”

emily cline art journaling

Lyrics to “Return Again”

I sat in an open, love-filled space in Southern California last weekend, in the week between Christmas and New Years, singing those words. These past few months has been of one of the hardest, most stressful periods of my life. “Return again..”

{yes.} It’s time.

I’ve gone to The Stinky Place, a place that’s far away from the home of my soul. Now, I’m returning. It helps that I’m journaling with *Lisa Sonora’s Root: A 30 Day Journal Project* (which anyone can do and it’s free!). I’m making changes.

emily cline art journaling

Day 1, Lisa Sonora’s 30 Day Project

I’m laying it out here, where it’s safe, so I will hold myself accountable:

  • I’m taking a year’s sabbatical from modeling.
  • I’m getting back to my spirituality.
  • I’m starting classes again.
  • I will teach what I love.
  • I am reclaiming my husband.
  • I am returning to a place that’s full of warmth and love.

I will strive to be healthy for me, and not worry about how I look for others. I will care for my soul, not just my hair cut and color. I’m going to challenge my brain, share what I know, and be of service to my community and the world I hope can be. I’m going to fall in love again, and show by living, what love is. I am moving.

emily cline art journaling

Day 2 Lisa Sonora’s 30 Day Project

emily cline art journaling

Day 3 Lisa Sonora’s Day Project

emily cline art journaling

Day 4 Lisa Sonora’s 30 Day Project

These are not my New Year’s Resolutions. They are my path away from The Stinky Place. They way to return to a {happy} me.

8 thoughts on “Return Again

  1. Angie

    well said, Emily. be kind to yourself too, though by not forgetting that compost is stinky, but full of nutrients for growth…. it’s ok to be in that place especially if we use it to open our hearts and be compassionate for others and for ourselves. love to you xxx.


    1. emilyclineart Post author

      ohmygod, Angie. That’s so right on. I even got an email from “Your Inner Pilot Light” reiterating just that this morning! I’m scared silly, but that’s kinda telling me I need to go to there. Thank you for the luv! xo


    1. emilyclineart Post author

      Thank you, Jessica!! I keep hearing that phrase, “Be bold and mighty forces will come to your aide” — is it from Shakespeare? It resonates. The support I’m getting from you and so many others has been so encouraging. Thank you. Truly. xo


    1. emilyclineart Post author

      oy vey. the struggle. why is it so harrrrrd?? (she says in a 7 year old whiney voice) You know, Ang, it’d be much easier if I could just come live with you and Lulu and hang out and play with kittens and art supplies all day.


  2. Tiffany

    I love that you lay it all out there! We all struggle but few motivate. Here’s to you motivating and taking back what you need and getting rid of what you don’t! I love you woman!


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